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Celebrate life's many occasions

Cards to Celebrate that special event, person, or new beginning!

Card - Rejoice II

Card - Rejoice II

A card for Encouragement or Celebration.

Inside message: blank.

Notes about original artwork, also printed on back:

"Traditional illumination techniques were used in designing the vine work and illuminated initial. The original 19x24 inch work is part of the permanent collection."

Size: 5x7 in. Vertical.

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CJD5225card - rejoice ii
Card - Master Carpenter

Card - Master Carpenter

A card for Encouragement, Lent.

Inside message: Blank.

Notes about the original artwork as printed on the card back:

"The title letters of Master Carpenter Prayer were drawn to be a knotty, gnarly, rough texture like wood. An edged pen was used to write the smaller Foundational style letters. I was thinking of angular, hand-forged nail hardware as I tweaked each letter with a smaller pen to make the edges rough-hewn."

Size: 5x7 in. Vertical.

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CJD4485card - master carpenter
Card - Teach Me

Card - Teach Me

A card for Celebrations.

Inside message: Blank.

This ancient liturgical prayer from the Odes of Solomon, 2nd century. As a music piece, set by David Haas, it is a beautiful opening to worship. Rob Strusinski, former director of the Liturgical Choir at the University of St. Thomas, St. Paul, Mn. used this as the choir’s theme song.

Size: 5x7 in. Vertical.

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CJD303card - teach me
Card - Gardeners

Card - Gardeners

A card for Encouragement, Friendship, or Thank you.

Inside message: blank.

Notes about the original artwork:

"This was painted and lettered with watercolor on Arches cold press, one of my favorite go-to papers."

Size: 4x5.5 in. Vertical.

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CJD2435card - gardeners
Card - Footprints

Card - Footprints

A card for Celebrations.

Inside message: blank.

A gentle statement of gratitude and thankfulness for the friends that come into our lives & leave footprints on our hearts.

Size: 5.5x4.25 Horizontal.

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CJD234card - footprints
Card - Love Forever

Card - Love Forever

A card for Weddings. Anniversaries. Engagements.

Inside message: blank.

Written by Judi Anderson for her daughter’s wedding; design and lettering by Judy Dodds.

Size: 4x5.5 in. Vertical.   Price printed on back.

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CJD2315Wcard - love forever
Card - Psalm 145

Card - Psalm 145

A card for Encouragement.

Inside message: blank.

Notes from the card back:

"The book of Psalms is the Bible’s hymnal, an anthology of poetic prayers and praises composed during many centuries of worship in Israel. It’s a privilege to use these ancient words today. The psalmist’s heart, touched by God’s redeeming grace, continues to pour truth into our lives in these days. I am thankful for parents and grandparents telling of the Lord's greatness and goodness that goes from ‘one generation to another'. Delight yourself in the Lord!"

Size: 5x7 in. Vertical.   Price printed on back.

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CJD5405Wcard - psalm 145
Card - Best Mom

Card - Best Mom

A card for: Mother’s Day and Mother’s birthday.

Inside message: Blank.

Size: 4x5.5 in. Vertical.   Price printed on back.

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CJD1305Wcard - best mom
Card - Wonderfully Made

Card - Wonderfully Made

A card for New Baby and Child's Birthday

Inside message: blank.

Notes about the original artwork:

"Psalm 139 verses 3 and 4 are especially fitting for welcoming a new baby or celebrating a child’s birthday. Thanks be to our God for his amazingly intricate and precious creative work. All 24 verses of Psalm 139 are packed with inspiring insights into God’s love, nature, and work. God has deep knowledge of us; we are fully known by him because he made us. We are never alone. We are wonderfully made. The psalmist, overwhelmed with God’s love and work, wants to honor and serve him. Verses 23 and 24 are perhaps the best known."

Size: 5x7 in. vertical.

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CJD1275card - wonderfully made
Card - Love Friendship

Card - Love Friendship

A card for Weddings. Birthdays, Anniversaries. Engagements.

Inside message: blank.

Size: 5x7 in. Vertical.

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CJD1175card - love friendship
Card - 100 Years

Card - 100 Years

A card for Encouragement for Teachers.

Inside message: Blank.


"A thought to encourage those who work with our children. Who are those that come alongside to help us raise our children - a school teacher; Sunday school teacher; music teacher; gymnastics, football, basketball, baseball or swim coach; daycare person; grandparent; a neighbor?"

Size: 5x7 in. Vertical.

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CJD1005card - 100 years
Card - Grapes

Card - Grapes

A card for All Occasions.

Inside message: Blank.

A note about the process used to move from blank paper to finished piece:

"Painting layers of color on the leaves and grapes to gradually reveal their structure and the play of light and shadows was very relaxing. Before painting the Arches cold press paper, I gathered leaves and painted watercolor on the vein side, then pressed them on wet paper. More watercolor was applied to the wet paper and wax paper ‘grapes’ were pressed on the paper in ‘grape’ clusters. The wet paper with the leaves and wax paper was then left to dry completely. When dry, the leaves and wax paper were lifted off to reveal the basic design. Finally, painting one layer after another gradually builds depth and definition in the image."

Size: 7x5 in. Horizontal.

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CJD7125card - grapes
Card - Love is Patient

Card - Love is Patient

A card for Weddings. Anniversaries. and Engagements.

Inside message: blank.

Notes about the original artwork;

"Watercolor and pens and brush were used on Indian watercolor paper. This familiar text, from 1 Corinthians 13 on the nature of love, is truth for us today as much as it was for the Corinthians. A life spent treasuring the love that God and Jesus Christ have for us brings depth of purpose, blessing and joy in our life and relationships."

Size: 5.5x4 in Horizontal.

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CJD6165card - love is patient
Card - Good Blessing

Card - Good Blessing

A card for Encouragement.

Inside message: blank.

Size: 5.5x4 Horizontal.

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CJD5705card - good blessing
Card - O What a Savior

Card - O What a Savior

A card for Easter, Lent, Sympathy, and Encouragement.

Inside message:

"What a love. What a mercy. What a burden. What an anguish. What a sacrifice. What a victory."

Message printed on back.

"What a love He gave. What a mercy He showed. What a burden He carried. What an anguish He suffered. What a sacrifice He offered. What a victory He won."

Size: 7x5 in. Horizontal.

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CJD5695card - o what a savior
Card - Birthday Gifts

Card - Birthday Gifts

A card for Birthdays.

Inside message: Happy Birthday. Wishing your new year full of day by day gifts.

The ‘gifts’ – wonder, laughter, hope, adventures, love, lots of happy, joy, beauty, discoveries, friendship - are scattered over the page in small, light letters.

Size: 5.5x4 in. Horizontal.   Priced on back.

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CJD2225card - birthday gifts
Card - Family Circle

Card - Family Circle

A card for Celebrations.

Inside message: blank.

A popular image to celebrate family for reunions, weddings, family events, anniversaries or a special time like Valentine's Day, Mother’s Day, or Father’s Day.

Size: 7x5 in. Horizontal.

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CJD123card - family circle