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devotea logo... Date Printed: 02-14-2025
Card - Future Hope

Card - Future Hope

A card for Encouragement, Graduation.

Inside message: blank.

Notes from the card back:

"Jeremiah’s words from Chapter 29:11-13 have been instructive, comforting and inspiring to believers over the generations. Jeremiah was speaking to the Jews who had been captured and carried off to Babylon. He reiterated the old promises God had given Abraham to encourage and remind the Jews that God is faithful to keep his promises to his people. God desires for restoration of the relationship between himself and his people. This was true then. It is true today. He will hear anyone who calls, prays and seeks him with all their heart."

Size: 5x7 in. vertical.   Price printed on back.

Item #Name/SizeAdd QtyPrice  
CJD5315WCard - Future Hope