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Tea Infusers

The choice of infuser is determined by several factors. These are:

  • What type of tea will be used.
  • What kind of vessel (teapot, mug, carafe, etc.) will hold the tea.
  • Do you mind cleaning out an infuser after use.

T-sac paper filters

The t-sac is essentially an empty tea bag which you fill with the tea of your choice. They are made of high quality, unbleached paper and have little, if any, impact on the flavor of the tea. They are available in five sizes from single serving to large size to fit the type of tea and size of teapot used. T-sac sizes are keyed to the size of the teapot you expect to use. However, remember that bulky teas (Oolongs, Pouchongs, fruit tisanes) typically require the next larger size than recommended for the teapot. Additional advantages include:
  • longer flap on one side makes filling easier.
  • easy cleanup - just like a tea bag!
  • can be heat sealed with an ordinary clothes iron - great for traveling tea kits!
  • biodegradable - t-sac and tea can go straight into a composter.

Swiss Gold tea filters

These are a reusable basket made from gold plated, pierced stainless steel and plastic. Gold is the least reactive of any metal, so these infusers have no noticeable effect on even very delicate teas. The small size works well mugs. The large size works well in larger teapots, although the teapot does need to have a round opening for the lid. Many teapots have a "D" shaped opening which does not work well with a Swiss Gold infuser. These are good for full leaf teas because they offer more freedom for the tea to expand as it infuses. Cleaning can be tricky if the tea is allowed to dry out before cleaning. These include a lid to cover the infuser while brewing. The lid doubles as a stand for the infuser after it is removed from the teapot.

Finum tea baskets

Another reusable basket made from a high temperature treated stainless steel mesh and plastic. The temperature treatment produces a hard, bronze colored finish on the steel that is much less reactive that ordinary stainless steel. They are good for all teas, although purists may notice some change to the flavor of a fine white tea. The two sizes work very well in short and tall mugs. They are best for teapots with round holes, but because the mesh is more flexible than the Swiss Gold design, they will work in many teapots with 'D' shaped openings as well. Again, a lid is included to cover the infuser while brewing, and the lid doubles as a stand for the infuser after it is removed from the teapot.

Cotton tea sock

A most traditional way of infusing tea, these have the advantage of fitting almost any teapot and also allowing the most room for expansion of any tool. They are relatively easy to clean. Just flip it inside out and rinse. However they will get seriously tea stained and can look rather unappealing to your guests. (So remove the tea in the kitchen when no one is watching!)

Other Stainless Steel infusers

Standard stainless steel infusers come in many sizes and shapes. While convenient, they usually do not work as well on whole leaf teas due to their smaller sizes, and the standard stainless steel will add noticeable taste to lighter green and white teas.

No infuser at all!

The traditional method uses no infuser at all! Tea is just added to the teapot and allowed to swirl freely in the water. Usually a large Brown Betty style stoneware teapot is used fro the brewing. When ready, the brew is poured through a strainer into a warmed serving teapot usually the prettier fine china service. Chinese tradition also uses this method with the change to a much smaller teapot so that all the tea is served immediately. Often then the teapot is refilled for a second (or third) infusion to experience the changes in flavor that occur through multiple infusions.